Here is our list of services recommended to be completed every year. Services shown in black and red represent services completed in weekly and bi-weekly intervals and the amount of times we recommend they be performed. All other services represent a timeframe that we recommend the service be completed which is reflected by our full-service yearly contract.
Yearly contracts are from January through December and automatically renew each year. For yearly contracts, if Service is discontinued for any reason, payment is due for all completed services at the time Service is discontinued and any discounts listed above will be voided and the full amounts for the completed services will be charged. Yearly contract amounts can change if services change, or service prices change.
These are the recommended annual services. 12 payments starting in January.
Additional 3% discount with prepayment of 12 month contract.
32 Lawn Mowing 2-3 Shrub Trimming up to 8'
1 Spring Clean up 2-3 Shrub Trimming 8'−15'
1 Flowerbed Weeding 1 Fall Leaf Removal Service (2-3 visits)
1 Flowerbed Weed Killer 1 Aeration & Overseed
2 Flowerbed Pre Emergent (Spring/Fall) 1 Mulch
17 Flowerbed Weed Service Bi-weekly 7 Lawn Fertilization/weed control Program (7 visits)
1 Crape Myrtle Pruning
Optional (additional cost)
28 Organic Mosquito Repellant Weekly (Get an additional 10% off with yearly contract!)
14 Organic Mosquito Repellant Bi-Weelkly (Get an additional 10% off with yearly contract!)
2 Flowerbed Fertilizer